Both of us have people in our lives that have very strong religious faith & beliefs…This was something we used to discuss at length back in the day.
Here’s a current discussion:
To: Cameron
From: Ferris
Subject: Can I ask you something?
I just had to ask – Where are YOU spiritually? A lot of what I believe in religion is based on our past discussions.
C: God is a much bigger part of what I believe than it used to be. But, I still think that we live over and over again until our soul gets it right. I just can't believe that there is only one true religion, be it Catholic, Christian, or Buddhist. God exists in all of those faiths. Don't you think?
F: I too believe we keep coming back til we get it right. Perhaps even that there is one thing we’re to master in each lifetime, and something to teach also. Like that’s why people come into our lives – because we can learn and teach from them. People don’t come into your life haphazardly, it’s all for a reason, designed by a higher power.
So which religion are we most like, then?
C: Shen
F: Cool…I’m a “Practicing Shen” and we worship at the house of….? What?
Books of devotion include – “Celestine Prophecy”….
C: House of Pancakes?
Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood?
F: Denny’s? I would say “Da Hood” but that’s a pretty dismal house of worship.
5 People You Meet In Heaven.
C: No no. Shen helped us escape Da Hood.
Whoa...this almost hurt, hurt my brain that is with following the conversation, Thank heavens for beginnings and introductions...I finally got it. I even know who and what "Shen" is...uhm...are....whatever. Of course confusing me with your conversations isn't difficult.
Anyway, hmmm, my thoughts about God (not that you asked@!!!! :) )are that He plays a crazy game of hide and seek...
He tells us that when we seek Him with all of our heart (He wants to be sought out and discovered and known and desired and loved passionately just like us women do...hence the "made in His image"...anyway) when we seek Him with all of our hearts we'll find Him...only the underlying truth in this is that He then comes and finds us...
So, He stands and waits...we start to really look for Him...He then comes and finds us in our frantic wanderings and starts us down this amazing adventure, a heroic, dizzy-ing, mind-boggle-ing, WOW, adventure...
Contrary to the more religious types and I mean pharseetical type religious folks, God is NOT about the rules and laws and IS about the passion and love...the desire for doing things God's way comes as a result of knowing Him and loving Him intimately.
Much as we wives have done in our marriages. We do many things for our husbands not as much out of strict obedience to them for that would be drudgery and full of frustration and therefore not love and not true obedience but we do things out of love for our men...maybe even things we don't enjoy doing but we know they love it...same with God. We do things as a result of loving Him AND it comes super naturally, we aren't forced to do it.
I'm speechless at the truth Tam speaks. She is a soul that has learned.
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