Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Conversation on the path to Ferris & Cameron

Below is the conversation that led to our AKA's of Ferris & Cameron. No, not the funniest but is has it's moments.

As long as we're introducing ourselves, might as well introduce you to Sammy as well. He is the friend that coined SHEN to begin with. While he was the boyfriend of Ferris, he was also one of my best friends. He was a sweet, sweet boy. Full of energy. Had a tendency to hop around when he excited. Not unlike a big goofy puppy with huge paws. It is because of this that we have named him Sammy, after his big goofy puppy with huge paws.

Ferris: I was Samantha and you were…?

Cameron: I was trying to remember this weekend but haven’t been able to. Elizabeth? Caroline?” I don’t know.

F: Was it Nicki?

C: No. I’m positive it wasn’t. Wasn’t that Rent-An-Ambulance-Drivers girlfriend? Sammy’s friend?

F: Yes, that was her-Nikki. God, I thought that rolled off my tongue, “I’m Samantha, and this is Nicki”. Crap, this is gonna bug me.

C: Bugged me all weekend. Now it’s your turn……I was also trying to think of famous female friends. The best I could come up with was Lucy & Ethel and Thelma & Louise. Can’t remember for the life of me any of the names in Ya Ya Sisterhood, or any chick movies we both liked.

F: Ok, perhaps you were Samantha and I was Nicki….I would NOT have tolerated the name Caroline as that was the name of the first on a long list of little chippies Sammy made time with after our 1st break up.

C: Okay, maybe it wasn’t Caroline, but it definitely wasn’t Nicki. I liked Rent-An-Ambulance –Driver, remember? The names did just roll off our tongues when we first said them, why can’t we remember now?

F: I always thought of us as more of a Romy & Michelle’s kinda thing. Or Cee Cee & Hillary.

C: Cee Cee & Hillary? Works. Although, which one of us had big ugly hair and which has over pumped lips? Romy & Michelle…right. But we were no where near that dumb.

F: Right??? I mean that movie disturbs me now. There has to be something better-how about Vivian and ____ from Pretty Woman?

C: Which movie disturbs you? Beaches or Romy & Michelle? Okay…no on the Pretty Woman thing. It’s an actress I can’t stand and she was in it for a heartbeat.

F: Beaches disturbs me…they are so not nice to each other. And the lips are distracting.

C: The lips and the hair are distracting. Maybe not so nice, but they love each other and Bette Midler takes care of her best friend as she’s dying. Weepy movie. Fried Green Tomatoes -Idgie & Ruth. Love that movie.

F: Never seen Fried Green Tomatoes. I don’t know, but the last time I stayed up watching Beaches, they both seemed so damn selfish. It bothered me.

C: You (gasp) have never (mouth dropping to floor) seen (big huge shocked eyes) Fried Green Tomatoes!!???!?!?!?!? Where have you been hiding? It is the BEST girl friend movie EVER. AND it's set mostly in the 30's with all of those beautiful clothes and houses, it's in the south so you have the great accent thing.....You have never met Tawanda?! It's a shame really. I don't know if I can be friends with a person that has never seen this movie. It's also an incredible book.

Mav & Goose?
Ice & Slider?
Ferris & Cameron?
Andie & Iona? (Pretty in Pink)

Okay, Andie & Iona or Cher & Dionne. Oh! Heathers!
Who the heck are Kit & Dottie or Mae & Doris?

F: A League of their Own. I like Andie & Iona (Nice pull!!!) Or Ferris & Cameron. You own that you are Cameron, right? “He’ll keep callin’ me…he’ll make me feel guilty”

C: Okay, I'll own up to being Cameron in that I stress out over stupid stuff and I don't get out much. But I'm not totally Cameron. YOU however are totally Ferris. I'd love to be Iona, but I know I'm more Andie.

F: “NOTHING GOOD???? NOTHING GOOD???? We…we saw priceless works of art. We ate pancreas!!!!! “
You are totally Cameron…but only in the sense that I am Ferris.

C: I think we should stick with Ferris & Cameron.
"Hey, Cameron. You realize if we played by the rules right now we'd be in gym? "

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