Cameron: So, you know I have to give the new 90210 a try right? Kelly, Donna & Brenda are all in it. Guilty pleasure.
Ferris: When is it on?
C: I think it starts in Sept. sometime. I'm sure it will be terrible, but how can I resist one viewing?
F: My cubicle co dweller (WHAT do I call her?) is watching all of the old 90210’s online right now. She’s in the 4th season when Brandon’s girlfriend from Minnesota comes to visit … and THEY DO IT.
C: Watching TV at work? Hmmm. Charlie pointed the new show out to me. Whenever I catch in on, I have to watch and it makes me long for pizza and Cesar salad.
F: ???????? Why?
C: That's what we usually had at Flash’s while watching. Pizza or some sort of pasta and a big salad. Brain cloud.
F: Ahhhh, right. That’s when I told The King that garlic was a sexual stimulant…*giggle* Dumba$$. I was thinking more of watching it at your house, which typically included our two hot dates: Ben & Jerry’s.
C: Ahhh. Such sweet boys. Remember their slutty sister Sara Lee and eating an entire chocolate cake between us. Good times, good times.
F: Yeah…I think that cake is still attached to my rear end.
C: A now for something completely different.
Brad Pitt bugs me.
F: In what way? In what context?
C: When he talks, he uses way too many 10 cent words & I'm sure he doesn't use them in the correct context. He's trying to hard to be super cool. I'm over him. I've moved on. I'm sure he'll miss me.
F: He’ll show up at your door in the pouring rain begging you to come back. I just know it.
C: It won't work. He can just take his pretty face and bad skin elsewhere.
F: A girl’s got to have her standards.
A few days later….
F: So my coworker is obsessed w/90210 & she’s been watching reruns of it here at work.
Just realized that all of that was 20 years ago. This November I will have known Sammy 20 years. Ouch.
C: Pardon me while I pass ou…..(Thud! Sound of head hitting desk)
F: RIGHT???? Where did 20 years go?????????????????????????
C: The mere fact that I have vivid, like it was yesterday, memories of 20 years ago is painful.
F: I seriously felt nauseous when I realized that. Hah! Well, at least we’re not as old as The Mayor (Chas) & The King… Yeah…it still hurts.
C: True. But not as much. They are old. They're in their 40's for crying out loud.
F: Really old. Hips giving out old.
C: Hips, knees, back, eyesight, hearing. It's all down hill from here.
wow. so cameron....who wears glasses??? who limps??? who has more gray hair???
the almost 40 something really OLD person or the still very much 30 something somewhat young person???
uh huh! That's Right! the still very much 30 something somewhat young person!!! uh hun!!!
Excuse me almost 40 something person, but the glasses are for work on a computer which you would need too if you did it as much as I do and the gray hair, well, that's just genetic. At least I don't have a big head. Ta-Netics.
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